A bright future starts with bright ideas.

OGS was founded at Brandeis University in 2014 by Ohad Elhelo, a then Brandeis undergraduate, and Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts (2007-2015) as Chairman of the Advisory Board. We were the first startup incubator to use entrepreneurship as a neutral vehicle to unite emerging leaders from Israel and the Palestinian Territories (the West Bank and Gaza). In 2016, we flew our first cohort to Boston.

Since that first year, we’ve completed seven cohorts, graduated over 180+ alumni, and incubated dozens of startups that have generated jobs and improved the lives of thousands in the region. Today, OGS is led by Lobna Agbaria as CEO and Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts (2007-2015), as Chairman.

Our work would not be possible without our hosting institution, Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management, ranked as a top ten social policy school by US News & World Report. Additionally, OGS is honored to partner from the very start with MassChallenge, the world’s largest start accelerator, and since expand its partnerships with MIT’s designX and Game Lab accelerators and MISTI’s programs. Our vast network of world-class institutions, Advisory Board members, philanthropists, leaders, mentors, coaches, and friends around the world is what powers Our Generation Speaks.

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Our Generation Speaks